5-a-Day Math

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5-a-Day Math.

Because our math curriculum (and most math curriculums) doesn’t spiral through the skills, I wanted to make something that my students could do daily that would consistently practice those important math skills through the year. I started this when I was teaching 1st grade, and it was a huge success and helped my students tremendously. I’ve since added kinder, 2nd grade (which I now teach), and 3rd grade to my TPT store.


My class and I usually go over them each day. I pull a stick and allow that student to choose the problem that they want to explain. This allows them to feel confident in what they’re sharing. They can even choose the date! We always explain what the date means and then try and find a pattern with the numbers.

We do this for morning work and I love it! My kids have gotten so good at it and I am able to see a huge improvement in their daily skills! As well it says copies for morning work since it is all for one week!

This is absolutely amazing. I love how it follows the standard and is quick and easy. The format is simple so the kiddos can follow.

Pin it for later!

TPT store.